September 08, 2020

R Pacakge corrplot for Correlation Plotting

R Package

Recently I get a small task to draw a correlation plot between various of variables. After some search, a very good package called corrplot went into my eye, which is so easy to use and so useful.

Though I guess the origin purpose of this package is to create nice "correlation plots" between variables, which means the correlation score should be between -1 to 1. However, the author also allow uses to plot random matrix, without limitation of "correlation value".

So below made some test:

> data <- matrix(sample(1:200,replace=T),10,10)
> rownames(data) <- paste("row",1:10,sep="_")
> colnames(data) <- paste("col",1:10,sep="_")

Above I generated some random number between 1 to 200, because I find on the internet many people are using it for only positive number plotting.

Then I can use library corrplot and RColorBrewer to generate really nice plot in one shot:

corrplot(data, method="circle",is.corr=FALSE,tl.col="black",, col=colorRampPalette(c("green","white","firebrick1","dodgerblue"))(500))

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Note that the right legend label contains actually 4 color but here I only use the last two: "firebrick1","dodgerblue". Seems corrplot can only generate color from negative value to positive, thus if I only assign two color, only one could be seen. Thus I use 4 colors here so that only the last two works, which is exactly what I want.

Then we can change other format:

corrplot(data, method="pie",is.corr=FALSE,tl.col="black",, col=colorRampPalette(c("green","white","firebrick1","dodgerblue"))(500))

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Above code generate pie plot inside each cell, which is nice but I think it's more suitable for correlation plots.

And the last one:

corrplot(data, method="number",is.corr=FALSE,tl.col="black",,addCoef.col = "black",,  col=colorRampPalette(c("green","white","firebrick1",'gray',"dodgerblue"))(500))

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This figure prints all number in corresponding significant color, which is what I like most as well.

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